Wednesday, 7 October 2009

I feel like sulking

I hate this weather. I really do. Not only have I had to trade in my flip flops for Winter boots (which I incidentally discovered, following a rather wet sock yesterday morning, have a hole in), but I also feel totally unmotivated to do anything other than sit in front of a computer googling hot countries and last minute getaways.

Oh yes, and eat chocolate biscuits.

And my husband is away so I can even eat chocolate biscuits for supper if I want to.

So that's what I'm doing.

I'm eating chocolate biscuits and feeling crap cos I'm eating chocolate biscuits.

And I think I have manflu coming on too, judging by the amount of Strepsils I have consumed in a single day and the very inconvenient moments at which my nose has chosen to run (whilst Tesco delivery man was asking if I was happy with the substitutions made and at a children's birthday party this afternoon whilst speaking to other mothers). In neither situation did I have a tissue at the ready.

So there you go. I'm ill and tired and can't think of one funny thing to write.

And to add insult to injury my husband has been sending me photos of what he's currently 'working' on.

Maybe I wouldn't be feeling so bad if he hadn't reminded me what my life used to be like before I became a Mother.

Hmph. I'm off to sulk.

And just in case you were concerned, no animals were harmed during the taking of this photo. He's a cameraman. And we used to work together.


  1. Your zebra's arse made me smile. Who needs funny writing when you can pull that one out of your bag of tricks. And I'm eating crisps AND chocolate biscuits.

    Hope you feel better soon honey. Big hugs from me xxxx

  2. Get well soon hun! Will eat many choccy bickies in support and start a British Mummy Bloggers group for chocolate Biscuit over eaters anonymous! Hope that will cheer you up.
    Oh btw, can I have the web address from the site you mentioned at the research day please we are very bored due to the weather too and if I am subjected to much more CBeebies I think I may turn it a childrens TV presenter. Horrors!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 2 things - 1)that photo of your husband with the zebra is SO cool - what a great job to have and 2) I had a packet of chocolate biscuits for lunch today!!!! - you have made my day!!

  5. I sympathise - Mr Muddling has just headed off for a jolly (sorry important work trip) and doesn't seem to understand that I miss being able to do those sort of things

    Chocolate biscuits are a whole balanced meal - fruit, carb, chocolate !

  6. Josie - Thanks love - seems like everyone's eating chocolate biscuits tonight. Must be the weather. And yes, it's quite big that zebra's arse isn't it. Hadn't really looked at it like that before!

    Claire - Yep, everyone's eating chocolate biscuits tonight. I'm so in with the in crowd!! Right websites - and Both fab. Go and check them out xxx

    Kathryn - Thanks honey - yeah it is a cool pic (just wish I was there too)!! And yep, it seems I'm not the only one eating chocolate biscuits tonight. Makes me feel a bit better! And popped over to your new blog briefly today - looks fab - will pop over again soon and leave a comment xx

    Muddling - I know - there are times when I don't envy him leaving home (when children are being extra cute and the sun is shining), but other times, like today, when I wish I could be there too.

    Boo hoo. Chocolate is helping somewhat though! x

  7. I can understand how that photo might create a bit of wanderlust in anyone. It made ME feel bad about being stuck in an office. And I don't have any chocolate biscuits, either.

  8. Feel better soon, hun. I'm sure it would make it much more bearable if hubby was jetting off to sit for hours in boring conferences or something. Or not jetting off anywhere at all, of course.

    I now want chocolate biscuits. I know there are some jaffa cakes in my hospital bag, but if I raid that I'll be bound to go into labour before Chris can go and buy more. (Hmmm, so maybe that's what I should do?!)

  9. Ha i'm still wearing my flip flops in a refusal to accept winter is here, think i'll have to invest in some boots sharpish though if i want to avoid frost bitten toes!
    Choccy biscuits are all that is essential to ones daily requirements, i'm tucking into a craker at the mo trying to be healthy and it tastes like cardboard yuck! It could be worse you could be all out of choccy diggers :)

  10. Ah! Clearly the hole in your boot has caused your pneumonia-like symptoms. I've been in bed since Tuesday with the same near-death symptoms (well a runny nose anyway) but my dodgy tummy means I can't even take joy in choccie biscuts! So I'm sulking even more. What a glamourous job your hubby has. Still, at least you get the photos ...
    Feel better soon,honey x

  11. Oh poor you - hope your sniffles go away soon. I can totally understand - my hisband was recently in the states while I jetted off to......Newcastle-Upon-Tyne! Today he's at a posh hotel management 'away day'. Me? Washing last night's dinner saucepans and wondering what on earth to do with the kids today. Fab pic of a zebra though - keep eating the biscuits. They can do wonders for the soul. :-) x

  12. Oh, your husband's been to Woburn. We went there on Saturday... We were looking for the Yeti, though

  13. Oh, poor you. I used to get flu or a heavy cold every Christmas until I started taking a teaspoon of honey in my hot lemon water that I have first thing. It really has worked for me. What also cheers me up is getting a NEW pair of boots. So just do it. I've got about 10 pairs now...

  14. I do wonder whether chocolate should be prescribed on the NHS. It is a cure for many evils.

    Hope you're better soon. Isn't it annoying how illness only strikes when the husband is away?

  15. Matt - Oh no - double whammy. No chocolate biscuits? I do sympathise. And yes, Wanderlust magazine is scattered all over our house - it doesn't help even a bit. Husband come home and suffer this rain with me too!

    Tasha - When are you having that baby lady? Go and get those jaffa cakes at

    WoB - Yep - I reckon it's why this time of year is so much colder than January - because we still can't accept that Summer is over and only put one coat on instead of two. By the time January comes we know what we need to wear and have accepted it. I think I may emigrate one day soon!

    Selina - Thanks darling - yes I think I may need to invest ina new pair of boots - but I love them and they're still ok (as long as it's not raining). I just think I might refuse to leave the house if it rains again (messes up my hair something chronic), but I don't think school would be happy with me. Boo hoo. Hope you get better soon too. Love and hugs x

  16. Hot Cross - Oh it's always the same - hubby moaning because he's away from home but staying in a beautiful hotel and riding white water rapids. I know which one I'd rather be doing! Hmph. Have now run out of choccie biscuits and my nose is still running. Oh the glamour!

    The Dotterel - Damn - you found me out!!! Oh if only he was at Woburn - then he'd be able to experience the rain and I wouldn't feel so bad. Is that mean of me? No really, I am pleased for him! Will pop on over and see you Yeti spotting.

    Maddie - Ok, honey and a new pair of boots. Yep, I think I can do that. Well seeing as I've now run out of chocolate biscuits I think it may be my only chance of pulling me out of this pit of despair! x

    Catharine - Oh tell me about it - if it's not me being ill then it's the children - and yes always when hubby is away - I think he thinks none of us ever get ill (if only he knew). And yes, think I should start a campaign - chocoalte on the NHS!! xx

  17. I'm sulking too, just for you of course.

  18. I hope you feel better soon and remember you never need an excuse for eating chocolate biscuits. Carry on eating them when you feel better and when your husband's home too. I'm still trying to work out what's happening with that zebra...

  19. I'd feel like sulking too if I received a picture like that. Console yourself with the chocolate biscuits - hope they're hobnobs!

  20. Having a good sulk can be so healing! You just go for it.

  21. What are your feelings towards the Ugg? I think they look a proper cosy winter warmer. And probably offer decent stowage for extra chocolate biscuits.

  22. Surprised - Thanks darling. I love me a bit of sympathy xx

    whistlejacket - would you believe that I have eaten far too many and there are no none left. Total disaster! Right - zebra - has been darted to be moved or examined or something I'm not sure. Yu see I can't give the full story because I wasn't there!! Boo hoo. But hubby was. :-(( It's ok - I'm slowly getting over it!

    WM - Oh they're all gone and no they were even hob nobs. But seriously, anything would do. I have a huge jar of nutella that might have to be raided tonight. Hee hee...

    Mwa - Thanks lovey. Will go for it. Good to have your blessing x

    SPD - Yeah, not sure where I stand with the Uggs - kind of like them, but they're a bit too 'popular' and erm, well too expensive!!

  23. Biscuits are evil. You open a packet and then a few minutes later there are none left. The thing is that they induce amnesia and by sheer power of deliciousness they demand to be eaten - they have powers do biscuits - beware.

  24. Come visit us! It was 30C today, and the weather is just perfect.

    But you better be quick, next weeks forecast is for snow.

    I'm sure being a cameraman isn't as fun or as glamourous as it looks/sounds. Really, I am. I'm not jealous either... who am I kidding?

  25. Look on the bright side - if you have manflu you are allowed to lie in bed for a full week watching Sky Sports, playing on the kids' PSP and reading old copies of Loaded and Top Gear magazines. You'll probably get regular cups of tea (with chocolate biscuits)and the entire family running around after you and if you're really crafty you could stretch it out to a fornight!

  26. Manflu?! Women can't get manflu you know, you get sniffles ;)

  27. We have no chocolate biscuits but I am purchasing some online ... right now

  28. Sulking if fine. I often do it. It is definitely better with chocolate biscuits!

  29. Oopps...we are all out of choccie biscuits, I have absolutely no idea where they went? How did that happen? you have any more at yours? Or just pop over with the Nutella!! Feel better soon xx

  30. Chocolate is the nectar of the Gods in my book. I am on a diet and I locked myself out today with the car keys and baby's bottles inside. My husband was away. I don't have family nearby. It was a horrible day. I feel your pain. I feel everyone's pain. I will go crazy if I don't get some chocolate soon. I raise this chocolate biscuit to you and mother's everywhere who have a bad day today xx

  31. Aw honey. Eat those chocolate biscuits - the whole pack, if they make you feel better! And take a nice bath and have a big glass of wine.

  32. My hubby's not allowed to go anywhere fun and exotic without me (even on work trips) ... I would sulk too. Hope you feel better.

  33. Hope you are feeling better soon. Have a bsicuit for me.

  34. FF - Oh you're so right - and especially when they're small - you think oh just one more little one won't hurt and then just one more (it's like short chapters in a book - just one more before I go to bed and then before you know it, it's 2 0'clock in the morning). Why haven't I learnt yet?

    BiB - Wow - 30 degrees!! Yes please...but hmph, have parents in law staying next week so I think I need to be here ;-(( And yes, I'm not jealous either (she says turning a strange shade of green)...but then that could be all the chocolate biscuits I've consumed!

    Mummmmeeeee - Ha ha ha ha ha...Oh yes - now I would love to exploit it, really I would, but even manflu doesn't cut it here (especially with no man around to moan to). It's obvioulsy not manflu then is it??? No, if I'm able to get on with things and wipe my brow all by myself it's definitely not manflu!! Shame :-(

    Alex - Well I think you're probably right - and following on from what I said to Mummmeeee above, the fact that I'm out of bed and still managing to look afetr the children despite feeling crap, crap, crap, means it's obviously not manflu...shame - I could have done with a few days in bed!

    Laura - Oh please - send some his way. I've run out and the jar of nutella is looking surprisingly empty now. I'm beginning to panic slightly...

  35. Rosie - Thanks honey...I love a bit of empathy xx

    Brighton Mum - I'm telling you - chcocolate biscuits all over the world are being consumed right at this moment and now there aren't any left. Even my nutella jar is beginning to look empty :-(

    Irish Mammy - Oh darling - how hideous for you. I so sympathise - have done exactly the same thing - once with baby in the car when it was a really hot day. I almost dies with stress. Forget the diet - just eat a whole packet of biccies - and I'll do the same. Big hugs xx

    Lady Mama - Thank you darling - yes that is exactly what I did!! Hasn't made me feel exactly great the next morning though!! But it did the trick at the time! xx

    SAHM-I-AM - I knwo - I wish i could enforce that in this house, but unfortunately that's how he earns his money, so no exotic trips, no food or a roof over our heads. Normally I'm used to it and don't feel in the least bit envious (cough) - it's just I was feeling particularly down this time. But tis ok - feeling a tad better today xx

    Modern Mother - Thanks honey. Yes, I think I'll have a chocolate biscuit for each and every kind person who's left a comment here. Hee hee. Will get through the next packet in no time! x

  36. Must be the weather. Have it, too. You can call me Met Sulky.
    I really need time off. Hubby will watch little L tomorrow (for the first time, woo-hoo!) and I will paint the town red. Or just sit in Starbucks for some people watching and thinking.
    Have a biscuit for me, too. 'Someone' has finished all the chocolate, grrrr...

  37. Met Mum - Oh darling - yes I so know how you feel...hope you had a bit of a break on your own (am late in replying I know)! Sometimes when I'm away from the girls my greatest pleasure is just to do nothing...x
