I've got the blues today. The sort of blues you get when you return home from a holiday where you've had a great time and realise that your house and your life are not quite as interesting as they'd been before. I'm on a post British Mummy Bloggers get together downer. It's all over. It just kind of came and went too quickly and now all I can do is sit in front of the computer clicking on my blog list to see who else has written a post about the event. Ok, I lie a little. I have had a rather busy day, but sitting clicking on my blog list is what I'd much rather be doing.
But, seriously, it was great. I was too tired to write a post last night, but realised this morning that I had, in fact, dreamt about everyone in my sleep. I was tempted to base this post on the dream...but I didn't want to lose friends so soon after making them. Hee hee.
One of the best things about yesterday, other than meeting so many virtual friends in the flesh, was the fact that I somehow managed to bring only one child, thus resulting in an almost-relaxed day. I had originally planned to leave Edie (the two and a half year old) at home with my husband, but true to form he had had to work, so I was left with a trip to London, two fairly small children and a slight dilemma. How on earth was I going to manage it on my own? Well, thankfully I didn't have to put that to the test because a wonderful friend offered to look after Edie for the whole day (poor thing - when I eventually arrived to collect her, Edie was in the kitchen stirring cake mixture, mess everywhere, having just had a shower because she'd decided to do a poo in her pants...I could have put money on that happening). And when I saw the venue of the Blogging meet-up - The Rainforest Cafe with its vast underground caverns, hiding places and potential mishief-making corners, I was pitifully relieved to have left Edie behind.
It's rare that I spend time with Renée on her own and I'm so thankful that I had the opportunity to. A bus ride from home along the cliff edge commenting on the flight of the seagulls, a train ride into Victoria, complete with a whole hour of colouring, followed by another bus ride through the centre of London, rounded off with an entrance into the cafe of soft toys, rubber snakes, an aquarium of tropical fish, a meal of pizza and ice cream, a rainforest goody bag and a whole host of playmates. For an almost 5 year old it was bliss. For her Mummy, it was possibly even better.
But the reason for making the journey to London, was, of course, to meet a handful of my fellow bloggers...none of whom I had ever met in the flesh, but most of whom I feel like I know almost as well as 'real' friends. I know that Sparx who writes Notes From Inside my Head has a little boy with chickenpox and is currently bribing him to use the potty with promises of chocolate (note to self...bribe with chocolate). I know that Tasha or Coding Mama from WAHM-BAM is pregnant with her second girl and suffers from SPD, like me. I know that Metropolitan Mum has recently given birth to Little L and I was dying to see her. I know that Peggy from Perfectly Happy Mum has not been feeling so pefectly happy recently, although judging by her wonderfully smiley face, she's feeling much better now. I know that Amy at And 1 More means 4 has 4 girls all under the age of 4 and had travelled down from Manchester for the meet-up. I know that Zoo Archaeologist at Being a Mummy is also having potty issues and that her husband, DaddaCool has recently started writing a blog too. I know that Melissa at More to Life Than Laundry is planning on sailing around the world next year in the Clipper Round The World Race and I know that Surprised Zoe missed out on the Isle of Wight Festival for the first time (but chose to come to the meet-up instead).
And the great thing about knowing all these little pieces of information is that you can cut the small talk - because you know what they do/how many children they have/where they live/what they like and instead you can get straight to the more important issues...so how exactly did you cope when you woke up to find your son trying to re-inact his baby breastfeeding moments? Sorry Potty Mummy - I know you won't mind!
So it felt easy to talk to these people - people with whom I know I already have so much in common with. The only downside is that it wasn't long enough. I wanted to talk to everyone and I nearly managed it...apologies if I didn't (Noble Savage, Alpha Mummy, Boozlebox, London Baby and Charlene from Thames Valley Mums). Please let's do it again soon.
Thanks so much to Susanna at A Modern Mother who is the pioneer of British Mummy Blogging. If it wasn't for you finding my blog one day then I probably would have floundered after a month. And thanks also to Amy and Silver Cross for organising the event. I hadn't realised until a friend had mentioned it the week before, but Silver Cross are the manufacturers of the original old-school blue prams (remember Wendy Craig in 'Nanny'? - I do) and so have been around for years. But they've re-launched with new and contemporary pushchairs and gave us all a fantastic demonstration (despite having to stop half-way through for the virtual thunderstorm). I was a little disappointed that my children are just about out of pushchairs...otherwise I would have been tempted - especially when I saw the size to which they shrunk once folded up. Apparently they are small enough to fit into the back of a Mini. No room for the children perhaps, but at least the pushchair will fit!
But thanks to everyone - I genuinely enjoyed meeting you all and thanks to Nixdminx's MiniMinx, Susanna's 3 gorgeous girls, all in matching outfits, and Part Mummy, Part Me's little Ella, Renée was kept entertained the whole time. I'm sorry (for Edie) that she missed out, but I'm sure it would have been a different kind of post entirely had she have come...
Sunday Thoughts
4 hours ago
So lovely to meet you in person. Thanks for coming all the way into London.
ReplyDeleteI was gutted before the BMB hot date, knowing I wouldn't be able to make it. Now I am doubly gutted. Will just have to harass Susanna to organise another date sooooon!
ReplyDeleteLovely post. Your poor friend, having to deal with poopy pants! So, can we do it all again, next week?
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry I missed it, sounds like it was great! Hope I can make it to the next one :)
ReplyDeleteIt sounds brilliant. I'll be there next time :-)
ReplyDeleteYes, I want to do it all again, too!!! And I'd love to meet Edie as well.
ReplyDeleteSorry for your friend to have had the poo incident. But at least she didn't have to cope with the flying version, hehe.
Gutted too.. sounds absolutely lovely. Will definitely try and come to the next one even if i'm about to give birth! I was however on a very nice beach in Milford on Sea in the New Forest with all my family.
ReplyDeleteLovely post.
BM x
Aah, it must have been great to meet everyone and put faces to names....
ReplyDeleteSo pleased you had a great time..RMx
Lovely to meet you too sweetie.
ReplyDeleteNext time I hope we can mingle and natter more.
There will be a next time...
I am jealous!!! Hope to go to the next one!!
ReplyDeleteOf course I don't mind, and it was lovely to meet you too! As for the blues, I know just what you mean. Forget bribing my sons with chocolate - I had to bribe myself, this morning...
ReplyDeleteit was great meeting you too! I can't wait till next time! x x
ReplyDeleteHow nice! Where was my invite? ;-)) Glad you had fun xxx
ReplyDeleteIt was great to meet you, just added you to my blogroll so I can keep up-to-date more often. Renee was such fun, she had me and Nixdminx in hysterics...looking forward to meeting Edie too in due course
ReplyDeleteIt was brilliant meeting you and your beautiful little! I hope we will do it again soon :) xx
ReplyDeleteI keep reading everyone's posts about the event too, and am a tad jealous!!
ReplyDeleteNext time, I will be there.... ;)
A MM - Hey no problem!! We enjoyed it so much and the journey was part of the fun...
ReplyDeleteMamma Po - Boo hoo. I was gutted you weren't there too. You were really missed...Hope you had a great time camping. Coming over to yours in a mo to say hello x
Tasha - I know - my poor friend! I did warn her to keep an eye out for a bit of quiet straining in the corner, but Edie just catches you unawares. Hee hee. And yes - please can we do it next week?? I'll host - but you've all got to come down to Brighton!!
Liz - Oh you were really missed - shame it was so far for you. Next time definitely - or maybe there'll be somethig a bit further north. Hmmm...that could mean I might not make it though!! Damn this country - I never realised it was so big!
Sandy - yes it was great - definitely make it to the next one. It's a scary thought to meet everyone, but it's so worth it.
ReplyDeleteMet Mum - I know - as Tasha said - can we do it next week please?? And yes, my poor friend - I always say - the only thing worse than your own child's poo is someone else's child's poo...just yuck. But apparently she still loves Edie and is happy to look after her again...not quite sure how I managed to find such a lovely friend!! Not sure I'd be so generous!
Bush Mummy - I know - and you nearly made it didn't you??? I think you would have come had it been the wekeend before. What a shame - I would have loved to have met you. Definitely next time - we'll be there to help deliver if need be!!
RM - Do you know what - I almost messaged you and said - come we can go together - but I know you had your exams, etc...Wish you could have come though. Next time xxx
Surprised - Yes, yes, yes - there definitely will be a next time...and yes, need more time to natter. I do love a good natter!!
ReplyDeleteclareybabble - Next time, next time...we had such fun...but we'll have even more fun if you're there too x
PM - Well guess what? I had to go out and buy myself a whole chocolate cake just to make myself feel better!! Kind of did the trick though! Until next time...
Amy - Next time book the later train!!!
Sounds like you had a great time - is it weird meeting people you have only known online? Did you have mental images of people and they were nothing like it in real life?
ReplyDeleteMight even get to do it myself one day!
Reasons - Tell me you're joking?!!! You would have been guest of honour. Invite was there for everyone...British Mummy Bloggers website. Ok, next time I'll message you personally and then you'll have no excuse xx
ReplyDeletePMPM - Yeas it was really great to meet you too. And yes, Renée has me in hysterics daily - glad I'm not the only one to appreciate her! She takes after her Mother you see! Thanks for the blog roll add...you're already safely installed on mine x
PHM - Likewise honey - wish we could have had longer to natter...could have been there all day. Your cherubs are gorgeous too x
Mrs OMG - We all wished you had been there...next time with a big belly methinks!! Can't wait xxx
not Supermum - Think we must have crossed in the ether. Do you know what - it wasn't actually that weird - I thought it might be - but it was pretty easy - and I think it was the same for everyone (unless some people were just holding it together really well)!! Most people were just how I had imagined them - some I've seen photos of, some not. but I wasn't surprised by any. It was a blast...just didn't have long enough to chat properly with everyone. And yes, you will make it to one...I will message you personally!! x
ReplyDeleteAll the expat mums are extraordinarily jealous of you all. Sounds like you all had an amazing time, you missed the poo in pants moment (we know about these particularly well at the moment) and you got to meet everyone. Next time it might be worth catching a flight over for!
ReplyDeleteGlad you all had such fun.
A thank you and mention at my place! sorry it took so long though..:)
Chocolate is also a "cheer me up" too.
ReplyDeleteGlad you had a good time,
BiB - Next time you're coming - and that's a fact!! We really missed you... And yes missed the poo in the pants which was great,although we had two yesterday which kind of made up for it! Hmmmm....
ReplyDeletePHM - Thanks Peggy - it takes forever doesn't it?!!
GG - Thanks - oh yes - I cleared out the chocolate supply - feel much better now!! x
I'm glad you and Renée had some time alone together, sounds like you both had a wonderful day! x x
ReplyDeleteHow interesting. I would have been intrigued with what they looked like and sounded like, and would have been tempted to sit on the sidelines and try to guess who was who. I think I would have been probably too scared to go, especially to that big London place.
ReplyDeleteI'm so jealous, but at the same time so happy you got a chance to meet your blogger buddies!
ReplyDeleteI've only met one fellow blogger in the flesh thus far - Saz from Fat, frumpy and fifty - She's fabulous and is a great friend - And we just kept looking at each other, because we had so much to say, and to ask about what we already knew about one another - We just ran out of time...
ReplyDeleteIt was a wonderful experience and I'm glad you've experienced that too, MatTa - Wonderful post, as always x
Hi sweetie. I tagged you for the bmb recycle week challenge. Hope you can play. :D
ReplyDeleteRuh roh! Great post and I too have tagged you for recycle week... guess you're it!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a great time! I've been to the Rainforest Cafe in London and it's fantastic!
ReplyDeleteTWoB - It was great - apart from meeting everyone - I got to spend time with Renée on her own which we rarely do - it was atreat for both of us! Next time you'll have to come along too x
ReplyDeleteMaddie - I know what you mean - it was difficult to sit on the sidelines though - there weren't really enough of us for that... But it would have been interesting to guess who was who...You would have been fine - it was much easier to talk to everyone than I thought (and I know you can survive in that big London place)!!
MOMSWEB - I never really thought I'd get a chance to meet everyone - but it was such fun...just want to do it all over again now!
AWONI - Exactly - there just wasn't enough time - I'm sure we could all have spoken forever! It's great isn't it - definitley something to recommend - glad you had a chance to do it too!
Jo - All done x
ReplyDeleteSparx - Aren't I miss popular??!! Hee hee. Al done...where's your post on the get-together??
OP - I've never been before (I'm always a late starter) - but it was amazing (especially for Renée who was in seventh heaven). Bit of a funny place to spend a sunny day though - I felt extremely spaced out when I went from the dark underground cavern feel into the bright sunshine...But yes, I'd definitely recommend it...
Can't believe I missed it this time but next one I'm in! Glad you all had a fab time, you are all gorgeous and deserve it!
Anxious - Yep, there'll definitely be more... I think everyone had way more fun than they imagined!