Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Birth of an Elephant

I feel unable to write at the moment. My head is filled with so many things, all impossible to share. So instead of writing I thought I'd post a video instead - and maybe my poor neglected blog won't feel sorry for itself any longer.

I saw this amazing video today and it moved me to tears. It's the birth of an elephant. And apart from the obvious miracle that is life and creation, what really moved me was the Mother elephant herself.

Just watch. You'll see what I mean.


  1. It's a bit like a ewe giving birth. Only bigger, and messier. Absolutely amazing to witness something like that. And the speed in which they get up on to their feet is incredible. It makes me gawp in wonder every time I see a new lamb being born.

    CJ xx

  2. Oh big hugs. Sorry you feel so locked inside yourself. That was one of the most amazing things I've seen. A 118kg baby!? Surely that's gotta hurt?

  3. Thats amazing really moving, she just knew what to do it is very clever. What a thing to capture!

    Kerry x

  4. Sending (((HUGS)))
    Actually I need some myself, I was sobbing watching that.
    Take care, Sx

  5. Oooh, that hit very close to home for me. (I am not an elephant.)

    I hope you feel better soon. x

  6. Lovely video.

    Big hugs. Hope you're OK, hun. Take care of yourself.

  7. I actually held my breath when the baby wasn't breathing! Mum always knows what to do though I suppose!

    I love how it took its first steps, magical.

  8. That was incredible! I'm going to watch it again!

  9. Hmmmm sounds like you need a private blog.

    Will go back now an see clip.

  10. I hope you're okay sweetie? Here to talk IF you feel the need. Wonderful film, like one of your other commenters, I also held my breath until the baby took its first breath. Just shows you, mums always do know best! Sending you the love xx

  11. Ouch! Hope you feel well again very soon x

  12. Amazing film! I have an affinity with elephants and you have reminded and inspired me to write a post on an episode from years ago with me and my baby and a mother elephant and her baby.
    Meanwhile, I hope you are OK my honey and that whatever is bothering you is soon cleared up. Sending you a BIG warm hug x

  13. Like others my first reaction is - are you ok? Will be hoping all resolves itself soon.
    And my second? Awe, tension, tears.... Thank you for posting that, it's amazing.

  14. I thought for a minute the blog was about a person. I told the midwife I was giving birth to an
    Hope everything is OK xx

  15. Wow, Just. Wow. Thanks for posting that. Hope everything is OK

  16. ((big hugs)) hun i hope you are ok xxx and thanks for sharing that video me and hubby were glued to the screen willing the baby to breathe. Elephants are so maternal and is lovely to see xx

  17. What a great video!

    Hope you are doing ok x

  18. Oh sweetie that was lovely and so moving. And if you need to chat you know where I am. Hugs. x

  19. Incredible! How amazing that the mother knew just what to do.

    (PS Hope you sort your head out)

  20. ((HUGS)) to you xxx The elephants are beautiful and I'm sitting her crying watching it. Take it easy xx

  21. I love elephants and that was amazing to watch, thanks for sharing.

  22. Fascinating how nature kicks in - the desperation of the mother to get her baby to breathe and then the need to get her to stand up (even though there are few predators in a safari camp!)

    Hope you're ok, and thinking of you.

  23. I hope you're OK lovely lady. xxx

    Amazing video.

  24. I saw this via a link on twitter - but watched it again anyway! so awesome!

    Hope you're OK

  25. hope to "see" you back soon. Probably not great timing, but I've tagged you over at my blog, I hope you'll play along, it's a pretty big issue.

  26. Hello Lovely,
    Sorry I haven't been around the blogging scene much either and only read this post this evening. If I can be of any help, my offer on Facebook was genuine so don't hesitate to let me know.
    I hope you are well and BTW this video had me in tears! It is the most beautiful thing, thanks for sharing Pxxx

  27. I haven't watched the video yet as I was just eating breakfast! Just wanted to say Hi and hope you're OK? Impossible thoughts all buzzing around a head, trying to get out is not good! Big hugs to you my lovely! xx

  28. I watched this with my RN wife who has worked in labor and delivery for 25 years. We both loved it. She, or course, noted that it was a breech birth right away.

  29. Hey stranger! What an amazing video. J told me to check it out and wow, just wow. It's very moving.
    Except... from a man's point of view, I really could've done without the super-slow-mo replay of the erm, liquid...
    Yes, I know, I know, you women are made of sterner stuff than us men!

  30. OMG that was the most amazing video ever. Thanks for that. I'm going to put it on my blog now if you don't mind - I've even got elephants on the top of my blog. I love them!! Lx

  31. Oh my god, I am 7 months pregnant and that video just made me cry then smile uncontrollably. Thanks for sharing!


  32. I've been thinking a lot about you and wanted to check in. You beat me to it. Glad to see you've posted. Hoping you and your family are keeping well and that you're able to sort out whatever matters you need to in private. Hugs.

  33. I'm so glad I watched that. Thank you.

    Thought it was funny when the narrator talked about the baby being in "the delivery area". Made it sound like the loading bay of a warehouse or something.

  34. I hope you are all ok now backi home. I know sometimes things can be difficult.
    It is Always worth fighting for your family.
    You are all so great and make the perfect unit.

    Keep on writing please, we all miss you. x

  35. Oh boy - my heart was in my mouth watching that! Fantastic x

  36. "Must get back to blogging soon."

    Just to say, we're ready when you are.

  37. Wow, great... didn't realise I was holding my breath until the baby breathed and I let it out...

  38. Hope you're doing well...
    But we want you back!!

  39. After a reasonably disgusting first half of the video (understandably it was the birth part) I found myself praying that the giant new born would open its eyes and breathe! Amazing video, honestly didn't expect to enjoy it =)

  40. Hope things are ok, just checking in to see if you were back. Take it easy :)

  41. Hope you are ok it's very quiet down here
