It has just occurred me that today is my two-year blogoversary.
I know, I know. To think that I almost let it pass by unnoticed.
And yes, I hardly write these days and I'm a crap blogger friend, so what's there to celebrate you may ask?
Well, any excuse for a glass of champagne...
And simply because I love to trade off my former glories (have you see my 'new' Facebook phot0?), I am going to celebrate by leaving you with my top ten favourite posts. I was going to make it five, but I just had a quick scroll back through the archives and they're just too good, I tell you.
And it's my blog so I can say that.
Go on, have a read. I used to be funny once...
The one where my child got a baked bean stuck up her nose.
The one where I said 'congratulations' to a woman who wasn't pregnant.
The one where I farted during a massage (sorry I mean the one where a 'friend' farted).
The one where I ate some poo.
The one where my friends named their child Helga. Except they didn't.
The one where my child learnt about the cruelty of death whilst watching the Grand National.
The one where we dropped poo in the car.
The one where I realised sheep have it much easier than us during childbirth.
The one where I found a grey pubic hair.
The one where I stepped on dog poo. Only I thought it was dog poo.
Now where did I leave that bottle of champagne?
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Can you believe it? My two year Blogoversary.
10 best posts,
2 year blogoversary,
happy birthday
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Sunday, 19 December 2010
A little bit of Silliness
It may be snowing outside.
I may still be in my pyjamas at 2.30 in the afternoon.
(Having not done one tiny piece of Christmas shopping).
And my husband may even be stuck in Poland and might possibly not make it home in time for Christmas.
But I'm not phased by any of it.
Oh no. Not I.
Because I have two children to keep me entertained. Believe me, this has gone on since the early hours...
britiain's got talent,
hula hoop
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Happy Birthday big girl

(Cut me some slack - I am her Mother).
Happy Birthday little one.
Four years ago today we met for the very first time.
It was just before three o'clock in the morning, 12 days after you were due to arrive and I have to say, it was about bloody time. Not least because we were moving house two weeks later.
I'm sorry if the first noises you heard from me weren't exactly comforting, but you did have rather large shoulders, even then, and gutteral screams were all I could manage. It wasn't your fault sweetie. I think it was more likely the resulting stitches which caused the agony.
When I look at you now I truly do think you're the most beautiful creature in the whole world. You AND your sister of course *cough*. She'd never forgive me.
But four years ago I couldn't have said the same thing. I can't lie. Your face was more than a little squashed, rather angry, and a funny shade of purple. And that rather unsavoury goo you were covered with? Well, let's just say, it did occur to me at the time how lucky I was that I wasn't a lion or a sheep or else I would have had to lick you clean.
But a lot can happen in four years.
And I'm pleased to say that you've had a few baths since then.
It's been a good year being three hasn't it? In fact I know the tantrum you threw last night was only because you were sad to say goodbye to three, wasn't it?
But four is good. At least that's what your sister says. I don't think I can remember that far back.
She says that you'll learn to ride your bike this year because that's what she did. And maybe, just maybe, you'll learn to write your name too. Your mastery of the letter E is certainly coming along nicely.
I can't wait to see what this year holds for you. You're beautiful Edie. You really are. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your Mummy. Your Daddy says it too.
Happy Birthday beautiful.
4 years old,
happy birthday,
Monday, 8 November 2010
Toys for a cold and rainy day

And just for once I was grateful for storm clouds and freezing temperatures because neither of my girls wanted to leave the house. So if you're looking for something to entertain the troops on a cold and windy day, then look no further.
Now I want you to know that I am always, always honest with my reviews, something which the Hello Kitty Rotator Creator and Skechers Shape-Ups discovered to their dismay. So when I tell you that the following toys were AMAZING, then hopefully you'll know that they really, really were just that. AMAZING.
Sticky Mosaics Unicorns & Ponies.
It was bliss.
For all of us.
I can't say I'll be hanging their, erm 'artwork' on my sitting room wall just yet, but as an exercise in starting and finishing something creative with no mess involved, it was 100% effective.

Similarly, the Sprayza Art Studio, Blendy Pens Medium Art Set and Reeves Painting by Numbers provided a few more hours of entertainment with something creative produced as a result. All four products reviewed come highly recommended by my little, but dedicated band of reviewers.
*And just in case you're interested to know how I spent all that free time, I made a mosaic unicorn myself of course. Well, it looked like such fun!
blendy pens,
painting by numbers,
toys for rainy days,
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Hello Kitty's a big NO NO

- Anything with Hello Kitty in the title is bound to be a hit in this house. (For the review Edie was wearing her Hello Kitty knickers).
- The cup and stirrer were pink. Always good.
- Everything else.
- All too numerous and depressing to re-live.
- Needless to say I shall be crying over my plaster-splattered carpet and brand-new trousers for a while yet.
But maybe that's just me. Let my children tell you exactly what they thought too. They're always good for a giggle.
So thanks ToyRUs. We love you. We really do. We're just struggling to love the Rotator Creator. Maybe we just need to give it some time...
Hello Kitty,
Hello Kitty Rotator Creator,
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